Enterprise development planning

Founding stage - a solid foundation (one year: 2012)

All customer demand as the core, rare earth permanent magnet based products to expand the customer base for the main goal, efforts to develop new customers, maintain old customers;

The gradual establishment of a combination of traditional business and e-commerce marketing model;

Explore the establishment of a distinctive gold magnetic culture;

Stage of development - the rapid development (3 years: 2014)

By expanding customer, market, network resources, and strive to find independent innovation / OEM / agent products;

Formation of independent brands led to a full range of support services for the carrier, three-dimensional customer marketing network;

Continue to meet customer demand, the sales network based in the Pearl River Delta, the radiation;

Consolidation phase - the steady development (5 years: 2016)

Stable customer base, establish and expand its own production base;

Establish a strong sales network platform, the establishment of large-area sales base;

Integration phase - spanning development (10 years: 2021)

Integration of markets, resources, products, technology, personnel and other advantages, the establishment of the company;

Products, sales network of radiation to the whole world;

Core product, market, scale, group management.

Personnel training, product development, technology upgrades, organizational optimization, clear sales / profit / margin / market share throughout all stages of development!